When Should I Schedule Maintenance For My Home AC System?

When an HVAC company suggests upkeep for your air conditioning unit or heating system, it can be tempting to ignore the advice. Unless something is severely wrong with your cooling system (for instance, you don’t have cool air on a humid summer day), you may overlook contacting a technician altogether.

However, routine air conditioning service in Everett, WA, like car maintenance, is essential to keep your system running accurately and avoid costly repairs or premature replacements.

What Does Air Conditioning Maintenance Entail?

Most air conditioning consultants provide maintenance service, but the standard of service may vary. Based on the year, your HVAC technician will have a set of guidelines to inspect, test, clean, and adjust your cooling device’s hardware. This amount of maintenance goes beyond the simple duties you should accomplish on your own every few months, such as changing your AC’s air filter and making sure your outdoor unit is clear of obstructions.

During your HVAC maintenance meeting, professional technicians may make some changes to improve the productivity and effectiveness of your system. However, it is possible that your HVAC system has failed components or is experiencing major problems, in which case you will need to schedule repair services.

When Should You Get Your Air Conditioner Serviced?

While it may seem counterintuitive, the perfect time to conduct routine maintenance on your air conditioning unit is before you need it. For air conditioners, this is early spring, before temperatures in the area consistently reach 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Another significant element is that professional technicians are less busy when the weather is mild. When the weather warms up, the experts are out doing repairs for homeowners who haven’t had their maintenance done! It is more likely to fail when your AC system is under constant load for an extended period. As a result, experts recommend that you have it checked before it fails.

Regular maintenance programs include three checks each year: a pre-season air conditioner check in the spring, air conditioner safety checks and tune-ups in the fall, and a complimentary air conditioner flush service in the winter.

Moreover, as stated earlier, one of the most significant reasons to schedule your AC maintenance in the springtime each year is for the solace of your family. Climate control systems age with each season, and their performance gradually deteriorates to the point where replacing parts or performing repairs is not worth the cost. When this happens, you must consider a replacement as the maximum lifespan of your HVAC equipment is generally 12-15 years.

Another more significant element is that regular maintenance protects your family (particularly with gas-fired heating systems). A cracked heat exchanger can leak lethal carbon monoxide gas into your residence, and an electrical fault can start a fire. However, you can reduce these risks with regular maintenance from an HVAC professional.

At Climate Pro Heating and Cooling, we are a reputed HVAC company offering exceptional repairs, maintenance, and AC installation in Everett, WA, and nearby areas.

Call us now at (425) 787-5804 or drop your queries at warren@climatepronw.com, and we would love to assist you at your earliest convenience.